Invitation To Domestic Competitive Bidding – POSB


Tenders are invited from reputable service providers registered with the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) for the provision of the following:

POSB 012/2020 PROVISION FOR Location Date Time 23 April 2020
  QUALITY MANAGEMENT Causeway 01/04/7070 09.00Hrs at 1000 Hours
  SYSTEMS N/Mandela 0704/2020 11.00Hrs  
    Gweru 07/04/2020 1000Hrs  
    Haylol House 02/04/2020 14.30Hrs  
    Mutare 06/04,47070 11.00Hrs  

Tender documents are obtainable from the P0913 Procurement Management Unit, 15th Floor, North Wing, Causeway Building, Harare, upon payment of a non-refundable deposit fee of ZWLS200,00 per hard copy of the tender document. Payment for The documents will be effected from The Finance Department located in the 4-h Floor, North Wing, Causeway Building, Harare. Soft copies of each tender document will be provided free of charge against written request. made on company’s teller head.

Three (3) sets of bids, with the. original clearly marked, must be properly bound and enclosed in sealed envelopes and endorsed on The outside with We respective lender number, The description of We Lender and closing dale. Bids must be delivered to the Procurement Management Unit located in the 15th Floor, North Wing, Causeway Building, Corner 3rd Street/Central Avenue, Harare before 1000 Hours on the closing date. The bids will be deposited in the tender box in the presence of the bidder’s representative. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives immediately after closure of tender at 1000 Hours.

Late tenders shall not be accepted.