Invitation To Competitive Bidding

The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) is inviting suitably qualified, registered, eligible and reputable companies to participate in...

Invitation For Domestic Competitive Bids

The Department of Roads in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe invites sealed bids from qualified Civil Engineering...
Invitation To Competitive Bidding Tenders - Telone

Invitation To Competitive Bidding Tenders – Telone

Invitation To Competitive Bidding Tenders - Telone   TENDER NUMBER      DESCRIPTION CLOSING DATE & TIME EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) 1 EOI 09-20 Invitation For Expressions Of Interest For Funding The...
Invitation To Competitive Bidding Tenders - Telone

Competitive Bidding Tenders International (Cbti): Running

1CBTI 02-20For The Supply & Delivery Of Data Centre Equipment30 April 20202CBTI 03-20For The Supply, Installation And Commissioning Of Ka-Band Satellite Capacity30...