Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund Invitation To Tender

Tender Number Description Closing Date and Time
ZPCR 09/2020 Provision of Debt Collection March 26, 2020 at 10:00 hours.

Tender documents are obtainable from the Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund, Fourth Floor ZIMDEF House, West Wing, 18572 Off Mother Patrick Avenue, Rotten Row, HARARE upon payment of a non-refundable fee of ZWL$100.00.

Tenders must be submitted in sealed envelopes and endorsed on the outside with the

ADVERTISED TENDER NUMBER, the description, closing date and must be posted on time to be sorted into Private Bag 7739, Causeway, Harare or hand delivered to the Accounting Officer, Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund, Fourth Floor, ZIMDEF House, 18572 Off Mother Patrick Avenue, Rotten Row, HARARE as per the closing date and time indicated.