Tenders are being invited from reputable bidders – Ministry Of Primary And Secondary Education Manicaland Province

Judicial Service Commission

Tenders are being invited from reputable bidders registered with the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe to participate in the following tenders.

Tender NumberDescriptionClosing date and opening time
EDU/MAN/CB/01/2020-LOT 1Supply and delivery of sanitary pads for girl learners in rural primary and secondary schools (53), including satellite (P3) and 5 (3) schools21 April 2020, 1000hours
EDU/MAN/CB/01/2020-LOT 2Supply and delivery of menstrual cotton panties for girl learners in rural primary and secondary schools (53), including satellite (P3) and 5 (3) schools21 April 2020, 1000hours
EDU/MAN/CB/02/2020Supply and delivery of food provisions for learners in Manicaland.21 April 2020, 1000hours

Tenders must be submitted in triplicate and enclosed in sealed envelops and endorsed on the outside with the advertised tender number, description to the tender and tender closing date and time.

The Provincial Education Director

Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education

Manicaland Province

P. 0. Box 146


Documents for the tender are obtained upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $200.0ORTGS in cash or bank transfer from the Administration Office, Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, New Government Complex, Mutare. Documents are sold from 0800hour to 1600hours from Monday to Friday. Tenders which are not received by 1000hours on the closing date, whether by hand or by post will be treated as late tenders and will be rejected. Tenderers are free to witness the opening of bids on the closing date and time.