Requests for Quotations (RFQs) For The Supply Of 12.5 M Transmission Wood Poles

Request for Quotations (RFQs) – Cable Fault Trenching ZETDC

Requests for Quotations (RFQs) For The Supply Of 12.5 M Transmission Wood Poles To ZETDC Northern Region

Tenders are invited from registered and reputable Suppliers for the supply of 12.5 m transmission wood poles to ZETDC Northern Region


RFQ Number Description of Requirements Unit Quantity Closing Date
195/2020 12.5m wood poles (160-180mm) Each 500 20 Nov 2020
NB* Bidders should respond as per the attached specifications


Quotations must be enclosed in sealed envelopes and clearly endorsed on the outside with the advertised RFQ number, the description of the Request for Quotation (Purchase), the closing date and must be posted in time to be sorted into Post Office Box No. 293 Chinhoyi or delivered by hand to the Tender Box ZETDC Northern Region Stand Number 5310 Godfrey Dube Drive Chinhoyi or can be emailed on the following email addresses:; on or before 20 November 2020 at 1000hrs.


Tenders should be accompanied with the following documents;

  1. Current Tax clearance
  2. Prices should be in local currency i.e RTGS dollars.
  3. Bid validity of 20 days
  4. Delivery period should be within 7 working days.
  5. Proof of registration with Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe

NB: The terms stated above should be clearly stated in your bid.

Late bids will not be considered.


Tenderers are free to witness the opening of tenders on the closing date and time at the above address. ZETDC does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of any tender.


For further details, please contact The Procurement Office on telephone numbers 067-2123784/2125735-9 /2123071-3 /0779156934/0772 425 825

Emails;, ,




1         Introduction

     The supply to the Authority of transmission wood poles and crossarms is covered by SAZ 120-2009 which is at the Standards Association of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box 2259, Harare.


Unless otherwise stated, any reference to a specification quoted herein must be interpreted to imply SAZ 120-2009. A copy of this Standard is attached as Appendix 1. This Specification in accordance with Section II, covers specified points to be stated, also additional Authority requirements.


         The Supplier shall state name, place and Estate of growth.


          The Supplier shall state compliance or non-compliance              with SAZ 120-2009.


2         Standards, Units and Language

 All tenders’ correspondence and all description upon drawing, illustrations or instructions shall be in unambiguous English Language.  SI units of weights and measurements shall be used throughout. The poles and cross-arms shall all be tagged with the Certification mark of the Standards Association of Zimbabwe. The specification covers quality requirements for     Eucalyptus poles grown in Southern Africa, that are treated with creosote, a mixture of creosote and waxy oil, and are intended to be used as upright supports and cross arms for power distribution lines and associated equipment.


3         Strength Group and Species

  1. a) The Eucalyptus species quoted in Table 1 in SAZ 120-2009 are acceptable to the Authority, preferably in strength groups in the order given, but all being subject to prior approval. Crossarm strength however, must be group AA.


  1. b) Tenderers are required to state the species, approximate average age and the area where grown, i.e. the Estate and Section, of the trees from which poles and crossarms are to be provided.


  1. c) The classification of strength groups from Foresters’ must be acceptable by the Standards Association of Zimbabwe. In the absence of such approval, or incomplete information as required in sub-paragraph (b) above, poles may be accepted as group B only.


 4        Banding

Poles and crossarms must be banded by the use of galvanized steel strapping, secured by galvanised nails, as standard practice.  Particular crossarms, however, are purchased which require a firmly crimped steel ferrule. The use of any alternative banding is subject to prior approval.


Banding shall be in accordance with method in SAZ 120-2009. Banding of poles to be treated with creosote mixtures shall be carried out before impregnation. The coatings of the galvanised wires shall comply with the requirements for galvanizing coating of SAZ 284 or BS 729.


5         Crossarms

Crossarms shall be supplied with ends cut square, and to length and diametres in accordance with stated Tender requirements, and ZESA Drawings where applicable.


6         Labelling

  1. a) Labelling to be as detailed in the table below and, identification tags to denote length and diameter, must be firmly fixed to both ends of all transmission poles after preservative treatment. The size of the coloured plastic tags shall approximate to 4 cm in diameter.


7         Supplementary Requirements

7.1       Preparation of Timber

  1. a) Trees shall be barked immediately after felling. Bark is to be removed completely leaving no strands of inner bark on the stem.


  1. b) Felled trees are not to be cross-cut, but the crown and upper part of the stem shall be removed provided the upper part of the stem removed does not exceed 100mm in diameter. All excessive protuberances shall be removed immediately with a clean-cut, flush with the stem.


  1. c) Incisions made by axes, barking and other cutting tools cause affected outer layers to rupture and peel off in service, therefore poles damaged in this manner will be rejected.


  1. d) Poles with occluded bark within 2 metres of the butt and at other points where it is likely to impair impregnation, will be rejected.


7.2       Seasoning

  1. a) Felled trees shall be left lying in the plantations under shade in such a manner that each tree is lying free and adequately supported clear of the ground to avoid sweep.


  1. b)   Where it is desired to remove felled trees from the plantation to elsewhere, they must be open stacked in shade. This shade must be open to free air movement.


  1. c) Felled trees shall be left lying or stacked for at least five months before cutting to length, unless an alternative method has been specifically approved by the Authority.


8         Preservative Treatment

8.1       General

          Immediately prior to treatment, the moisture content shall not be more than 25% based on the oven-dry method described in SAZ 120-2009


8.2       Preservative

  1. a) High-temperature Creosote, preferably to the American Wood Preserver’s Association Specification shall be used. This shall be mixed with 20% diesel fuel oil.


  1. b) Other types of Creosote may be considered and only to be used after approval by the Authority.
  2. c) When called for, samples of Creosote and diesel Fuel Oil to be used in the preservative process shall be submitted to the Authority for purposes of analysis.


8.3       Process

  1. a) Impregnation shall be carried out by either the full cell pressure process or hot/cold open tank process.


  1. b) When the pressure tank process is used, it shall be the Authority’s approval and details of the proposed process shall be submitted to the Authority as early as possible before commencing treatment.


  1. c) When the open tank process is used, the poles or crossarms shall be completely immersed in a tank containing the preservative mixture to clause 8.2 (a) above.


8.4       Type Of Preservative Required

          The type of preservative required shall be one of the following types:-

  1. a) Creosote that complies with SABS 539 or a wood preserving mixture that complies with the requirements of SABS 1290 or
  2. b) Creosote that complies with SAZ 120-2009.


8.5       Inspection Report

Treatment charge sheets including sample tests must be submitted for each batch of poles or cross arms including a certificate from SAZ certifying conformance of the batch to the quoted standards.


8.6      Pole production capacity


Tenderers shall state pole production capability for each size of pole tendered for. ZETDC will invoke appropriate penalty charges for poor delivery as per ZESA General Conditions of Contract, 1987

Requests for Quotations (RFQs) For The Supply Of 12.5 M Transmission Wood Poles –  VacancyMail Tenders