Prequalification / Registration of Suppliers for goods and services 2020 -2021: World Education Inc. / Bantwana (WEI/B)


Prequalification / Registration of Suppliers for goods and services 2020 -2021: World Education Inc. / Bantwana (WEI/B)
Deadline: 31 March 2020 (4:30pm)

World Education Inc./Bantwana (WEI/B) Zimbabwe is an international NGO that works with local organisations and communities to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and their families. WEI/B operates aims to reach vulnerable children and their families with education, health, economic strengthening and child protection services. World Education Inc./Bantwana Zimbabwe is inviting applicants from fully registered suppliers who are interested in being registered on our list of suppliers of goods and services for 2020 -2021.

Business Categories
Advertising Agencies/Advert/Press; Catering Services/Event Equipment; Photography/Branding; Cleaning Services; Conference/Accommodation; Courier Services; Electrical Installations & Repairs, Plumbing and Building Maintenance; Generator repair and Servicing; Hardware, Tools and Chemicals; IT Supplies, Internet services, Consumables, Maintenance and Repairs; Fire Services; Travel Agencies

All applicants must be accompanied by the following documents: Company Profile; Certificate of registration (CR14 Form); Certificate of Incorporation; Current VAT Certificate OR Income tax form (ITF)23; Bank Statement for the past 6 consecutive months or current audited financial statements; Prices were applicable; Brand names where applicable

Completed application forms should be submitted and sealed in envelopes, clearly indicating the Business Category you are applying for; Suppliers with multiple services that fall in different categories must submit separate documentation for each category; Samples (where applicable); Current suppliers should also re-apply.

To apply
Application forms are obtained from World Education Inc. Harare Office, 29 Lawson Avenue Milton Park, Harare. Completed application forms and required attachments should be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to: The Chairperson, Tender Committee, World Education Inc./Bantwana, 29 Lawson Avenue, Milton Park, Harare. NB: This advertisement is an invitation to do business and not an offer to provide goods and services. Only successful candidates will be contacted after the evaluation process. World Education Inc./Bantwana reserves the right to accept or reject any application.