Invitation To Domestic Competitive Bidding – Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Mashonaland Central Province

Judicial Service Commission

Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Mash Central Province invites tenders from suitable and reputable suppliers for the supply and delivery of items listed in the table below as per description. Tenders must be submitted in triplicate and enclosed in sealed envelope marked outside with the advertised tender number to the Attention of The Provincial Education Director, Mash Central and deposited in the tender box situated at 2nd Floor Room 206, Mutungagore Building, Box 340, Bindura.

Tender NumberDescription of TenderClosing Date
N1OPSE/ NI C/01/2020Supply and delivery of disposable and reusable sanitary wear, green bar washing soap and cotton female panties14/04/2020 AT 1000H RS
N1OPSE/ NI C/02/2020Supply and delivery of cooking oil, grain maize, rice, maheu overnight powder, dried sugar beans, matemba and Soya chunks14/04/2020
AT 1000H RS

Documents for the tenders are obtainable upon payment of a non- refundable ZWL $200 in cash or bank transfer from The Accounts Department Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, 2nd Floor Room 256 , Mutungagore Building Box 340 Bindura from 0800hours-1600hours from Monday to Friday during working days before the closing date.

Bidders must also submit

Government vendor number, valid tax clearance certificate and proof of current
registration with PRAZ among other requirements spelt out in the tender document.