Invitation To Domestic Competitive


RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE 80 Samore Madvel Avenue P.O. BOX 1283, Karate Tel-242-703000,

Bids are invited from reputable bidden registered with the Procurement Regulatoy Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) for the following requirements

Tender  Number Description Compulsory Pre-bid meeting  
RBZ/DOM/010/2020 Supply and of 2 ply toilet Issue Not applicable  
RBZ/DOM/0111/ 2020 Supply/ and delivery of protective clothing 10 March 2020
RBZ/DOM/101 / 2020 Supply and delivery of corporate wear 10 March 2020

Issue Date:                                                                      28 FEBRUARY 2020

Three had copies of each tender, enclosed in sealed envelopes, addressed to Deputy Director Procurement Management Unit, endorsed on the outside with the advertised tender number description and dosing date, most be deposited in a tender box at.

The Reserve Dank of Zimbabwe

Ground Floor

80 Samosa Machel Avenue


before 10:00hrs on the dosing date.

Closing Date:                                                                       27 MARCH 2020

Documents are obtainable upon production of prod of payment of a tender Fee of RTGS$50.00 from the Banking Hall at the above given address.