Domestic Competitive Tenders – Rural Electrification Fund


REA is inviting bids from reputable bidders for the following tenders:

No Tender Number Description of item Qty Closing date and time
1 REF/Inter/07/03/2020-R10443 Supply and delivery of creosote treated poles (various sizes) 1,860 21 April 2020, Time 1000Hrs
2 REF/Dom/08/03/2020 Supply and delivery of a server 1
3 REF/Dom/09/03/2020 Supply,delivery, installation and commissioning of CCTV cameras at the central stores 1
4 REF/Dom/10/03/2020-R8648 Supply and delivery of 33KV CM short shank porce 9,417
5 REF/Dom/11/03/2020-R14854 Office partitioning services at REF Head Office 1


The relevant Bidding Documents (BD) are obtainable from the Procurement Administrator, REA Head Office 0ffice722 7th Floor Megawatt House Corner Samora Machel Avenue/Leopold Takawira Street, Harare/P Bag 250A Harare, Zimbabwe upon payment of a non-refundable fee of ZWD$100.00 per tender.

BID SUBMISSION Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes and endorsed on the outside with the advertised tender number , the description and closing date. The bids shall be dropped in the tender box located at the above stated address by the closing date and time personally or by post. Upon bid submission, bidders must obtain a bid submission receipt as proof of bid acceptance. Bidders are free to witness the opening of the tenders on the named dosing date and time.


Bidders for the below listed tenders are required to attend a compulsory site visit on 07April 2020,Time 1000hrs as follows:

  • Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of CCTV cameras at the REF Central stores. Further details are provided in the Bidding Document.
  • Office partitioning tender site visit to be conducted at REF Head Office Upon attendance of the site visit. Further details are provided in the Bidding Document.

Bidders must obtain a site visit certificate as proof of attendance.