Invitation To Tender – Supply, delivery and installation of SAP Server


Tenders are invited from registered companies for the below listed tender. Submissions must be made to: Procurement Management Unit – Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (Pvt) Ltd (ZCDC), 35-37 Cosham Avenue, Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe. The documents must be enclosed in sealed envelopes endorsed on the outside with the advertised tender number, closing date and clearly marked “Tender for ” The documents may also be sent electronically to the email

Submissions must be received before 1100hours on the closing date stated in our tender documents. Those received after 1100hours on the closing date, whether by hand, by post or by email will be treated as late bids and therefore will not be accepted.


ZCDC/T018/2020 Tender for the supply, delivery and installation of SAP Server 29th January 2021


Please note that due to the novel Covid -19 pandemic and the need to adhere to the strict regulations and measures espoused by the Ministry of Health and Child Care and the World Health Organisation, no hard copy tender document will be issued. All tender documents will be issued electronically through email. Any bidder wishing to receive a tender document shall send their request to the email address ZCDC will make efforts to send the tender documents within 24 hours of receiving the requests.