Domestic Nat Eoi 01/2020 Call For Expressions Of Interest (Eoi) For The Provision Of Consultancy Services For Organizational Structure Review


Organizational Structure Review

The National Pharmaceutical Company (NatPharm) is a parastatal under the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) which is involved in procurement, warehousing and distribution of medicines and medical supplies.


NatPharm wishes to invite reputable consultancy firms registered with the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) to be considered for the prequalification for provision of consultancy services to undertake an Organizational Structure Review and develop an appropriate structure which supports the strategy guided by the following:

  1. To undertake review of the organization structure based on the organization’s strategy and needs that enable NatPharm to fulfil its mandate in the most effective and economical manner.
  2. To conduct a job evaluation exercise for critical positions proposed.
  3. To carry out a remuneration survey to determine the cost of recommended critical positions and to determine the overall cost of migrating from the current structure to the recommended structure
  4. The structure should be flexible to adapt to changing needs and growth of NatPharm.

NatPharm hereby invites eligible Consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Consulting firms should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.


NatPharm seeks to pre-qualify consultancy firms for the Provision of Consultancy Services for Organizational Structure Review.


Assessment will be conducted to enable the client to assess the technical capability of the service providers (Pre-Qualification) as follows;

  • Consultancy Firm should be registered with the
    Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ)
  • A valid Tax Clearance Certificate (ITF 263 form)
  • Three (3) written traceable references for each proposed key personnel
  • Three (3) written traceable references for the Consultancy Firm
  • A minimum of Five (5) Years’ Experience or more in provision of Consultancy Services for Organizational Structure Review for the proposed key personnel
  • Five (5) Years’ Experience or more in provision of Consultancy Services for Organizational Structure Review for the consultancy firm.

Participation in this bidding procedure is restricted to Zimbabwean bidders only. Bidding documents must be accompanied with CR14 certificates as proof of Nationality.

Short-listed Consultants/Firms will be invited to submit detailed technical and financial proposals, as described in Part one of the Request for Proposals Procedures in the Standard Request for Proposals for the Selection of Consultancy Services.

The expression of Interest document is obtained upon request. Request may be sent through email to

The Expression of Interest shall close on 26th of March 2020 at 1000hours. Expression of Interest (EOI) must be submitted to: The Procurement Management Unit- National Pharmaceutical Company, 14 Lobengula Road, Southerton, Harare.

The Expression of Interest must be enclosed in sealed envelopes clearly marked “Expression of Interest for the provision of Consultancy services for Organizational Structure Review for NatPharm Company.” before 1000hours on the closing date and time. Any expression of interest submitted after the closing date and time whether by hand or by post will be treated as late E01 and therefore will not be accepted.

This is an Expression of Interest ONLY. It does not constitute a request for proposal (RFP) or a promise to issue an RFP in the future. The request for information does not commit NatPharm for provision of the services whatsoever. Only firms that shall meet all requirements set out in this EOI will be pre-qualified and invited to respond to a request for proposal (RFP) for the required services.

Please note that participation in this Call does not guarantee selection as project partner. All applying organizations will be informed about the outcome of their submission.