Invitation for Expression of Interest


Tender number MM/E0I/01/2020

Applications for Expression of Interest are invited from suitably qualified Legal Practitioners for the provision of Legal Services.

Applicants should have a vast knowledge in the following areas of law;

i. Labour Law

H. Contract Law

Hi. Debt Collection and Litigation

The following documents must accompany your application;

  1. Company Profile
  2. Financial Profile
  3. Organisation Structure including any associates and/or partner firms
  4. Number of years in practice
  5. Dedicated area and core competency
  6. Practicing certificates copy

State proven experience in provision of personnel where your company has carried out similar engagements in the past and briefly describe the nature and tasks.

Confirm that your company;                                                                                    

  • Has no on-going litigation with any party.                          
  • Is not currently suspended by the Law Society of Zimbabwe

In addition submit;

1 . VAT Registration Certificate                                                           

  • Certificate of incorporation                                               
  • Current PRAZ Registration                                                
  • Current Tax Clearance Certificate                                     
  • CR6                                                                                               
  • CR14                                                                                            
  • Three contactable referees                                             

All applications marked with the Tittle of the Expression of Interest and the Tender                                                                                              

Number must be submitted at the Municipality of Marondera Head Office and dropped in the Tender box not later than 12 March 2020 at or before 1000hours.                                                                                                                             Closing date 12 March 2020 closing time 1000hrs                       


A/TOWN CLERK / CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER